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Welcome Recycled Handmade Paper and Crafting Lovers

Hello Fans-it's Sarah, owner and passionate creator of everything you see on my page! My LoVe in creating is taking the lost and making it into something new and beautiful again, which actually has double meaning in my life. I started this shop to try to help financially as I feel so lost in life without the ability to work. For nearly 15 years I have suffered with very limiting constant dizziness(among many other symptom of which are way too long and boring) that seemed to never find a diagnosis for. However in October 2013, my unanswered feeling of lost finally got an answer. I suffer from late stage chronic Lyme disease. Every day is a battle yet my one calm in this storm I call life is my creations! I pour my heart and soul into every piece I make. So I run this shop to help the huge financial expenses for treatments, I also run this shop to share with all of you that amazing gift that creating gives to me...The feeling of being FoUnD in all of its beauty. I hope u find something special in my creations as well and get to enjoy the beauty of each piece!

And Remember-There is no greater gift than HaNDmAde!

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013